Partners in Ministry

Dorcas ACTS ministry to support people in need was greatly enhanced with the support and blessings of various organisations including:

ORCA - The ORCA Project

Dorcas ACTS has a partnership with The ORCA Project, an initiative of the Wesley Mission which provides School Leaver Employment Supports training for people aged 17 – 21 years in Brisbane.

The ORCA Project offers students the skills needed for success in the workforce and the chance to learn about the type of work that’s meaningful to those seeking training. ORCA believes that all young people, including those living with disabilities, have unique strengths, skills, challenges, and interests.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach here at The ORCA Project. Designed in consultation with real families in Brisbane, this service provides individuals with the skills they need for success in the workforce, and giving students the opportunity to learn about themselves, their interests, and a transition to meaningful employment.

All Saints Chermside

Dorcas ACTS has partnered for several years with All Saints Chermside in supporting the work they undertake in offering food and support to those in need. Initiatives include:

    • Each weekday morning a food van is open for free tea/coffee and toast from 8am to 10am.
    • On Monday and Wednesday night the church offers a soup kitchen open for a free hot meal which begins at 6.00pm.
    • The Parish Pantry is open three times a week offering help to those needing assistance with acquiring groceries.

Dorcas ACTS has a long-standing relationship with Rosies. Rosies reaches out to those most in need, people who are homeless or at risk, lonely, and socially isolated within our communities. 

Rosies aims to offer friendship and unconditional acceptance to those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or are experiencing social isolation or loneliness. Just as you would offer a cup of tea or coffee to a friend who was visiting your home, Rosies do the same for our friends on the street.

While many organisations focus on offering referrals, accommodation, education, and training few explore the loneliness that often comes with those who are homeless or socially isolated. 1 in 4 Australians say they are currently experiencing an episode of loneliness and 1 in 10 Australians aged 15 and over report lacking social support. These are staggering numbers especially when you consider that social isolation has also been linked to mental illness, emotional distress, suicide, the development of dementia, premature death, poor health behaviours, smoking, physical inactivity, poor sleep, and biological effects, including high blood pressure and poorer immune function. 

Many of the individuals that come to visit Rosies on outreach have housing or jobs but are still having trouble making ends meet or simply lack a strong support system. Rosies welcome all of our friends with open arms and friendly smiles, you’d be amazed what a cuppa and a chat can do to change someone’s self-worth and build confidence.

Other partner Organisations

ACTS extends its appreciation and prayers to all our Partner organisations as they continue their great services in love and grace.

YMCA for school breakfast
The UC Community Services for victims of domestic violence, Brisbane northside
Accessing people adversely affected by the droughts were partnered through the following organisations:
  • The Lifeline Office, Toowoomba
  • The Burke & Wills Patrol Padre in Cunnamulla
  • The Tenterfield Anglican Church
  • St Vincents de Paul Conference Coonabarabran, and
  • The Uniting Churches in Glen Innes, Longreach and Stanthorpe
Outreach help for the Bushfire victims involved partnerships with the following organisations
  • Uniting Churches in Yeppoon and Crows Nest in Qld; Bodalla, Lithgow, Taree and Ulladalla in NSW and the Kangaroo Island UC in SA.
  • The Anglican Churches in Batemans Bay and in Cobargo NSW
  • The Frontier Service Padre Swifts Creek Victoria
  • The Baptist Church Buxton NSW and
  • The Gippsland Emergency Fund in Bairnsdale and Mallacoota NSW
The GIVIT website as the source for accessing people in need around the country

All Lives Have Equal Value.

“For I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.”– Matthew 25:35-36

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Dorcas ACTS was established in 2007 when a small group of members of the ASPLEY UNITING CHURCH got together to discuss how Aspley Uniting Church could become involved in giving urgent financial help to people beyond our congregation who were in crisis situations.