
Donations to the Dorcas ACTS charity can be made through Bank Transfer or online via Credit Card. For tax and GST purposes, please supply your name and address for your receipt.

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Dorcas ACTS constantly seeks to find new avenues of service to humanity and does not receive any government funding. Currently, its funds come mainly from fundraising by the congregation of the Aspley Uniting Church, but it also raises funds from the wider community. Dorcas ACTS has no administrative or fundraising costs. 100% of its gifts are used to meet its Charter.

Donations $2 and over are tax-deductible

For Bank Transfer Donations

Account Name: ACTS

BSB: 014 010

Account Number

191 523 698

For Credit or Debit card Donations

Click on the link below to Donate
Dorcas ACTS has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, as such it is entitled to receive tax-deductible donations. This means that donors who contribute to organizations with DGR status can deduct the amount of their contributions from their taxable income, subject to certain conditions.

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Dorcas ACTS was established in 2007 when a small group of members of the ASPLEY UNITING CHURCH got together to discuss how Aspley Uniting Church could become involved in giving urgent financial help to people beyond our congregation who were in crisis situations.