Our History

Dorcas ACTS

was established in 2007 when a small group of members of the ASPLEY UNITING CHURCH got together to discuss how Aspley Uniting Church could become involved in giving urgent financial help to people beyond our congregation who were in crisis situations.

We got together a few hundred dollars in donations and made our first grants to help homeless young people in the Brisbane CBD.

Then we got really serious and established our initiative as a legal charity which could provide our donors tax deductibility.

We decided that we should broaden our scope to directly help people in situations of
  • Floods
  • Fires
  • Droughts
  • Homelessness
  • Hunger
  • Domestic Violence
  • Broken Families
  • Elder Abuse
  • Bankruptcy
  • Other human needs…

We set a policy that we would make it very personal by remitting funds directly to their bank accounts.

Then we formed partnerships with other community service groups that were meeting people every day who were in trouble and could introduce us to them directly.

Our funds come from members of our Church who make gifts direct to us over and above their usual Sunday offerings.  Funds also come from people beyond our Church who want to personally identify with what we do.  We have also extended donations to corporate donations so that businesses can contribute to the local community and provide volunteering opportunities for their team.

Now we are able to give away at least 50,000 dollars every year, usually to about 75 needy people.

This has been reasonable effort for a small congregation of 120 souls, but we are looking to do better as we extend our reach into the local Brisbane community.

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Dorcas ACTS was established in 2007 when a small group of members of the ASPLEY UNITING CHURCH got together to discuss how Aspley Uniting Church could become involved in giving urgent financial help to people beyond our congregation who were in crisis situations.