New branding and name for ACTS

The reason for the change is that there are several thousand charities on the Internet world-wide (and 10+ million other entities) who call themselves ACTS.

This means people have problems finding us on the web. So, we have added the word DORCAS to our title. Dorcas ACTS is a registered business name of ACTS.

We have a new logo, new website, and new email addresses.  The new logo is displayed above!

In the book of ACTS in the New Testament of our bibles, there is an important person whose life was dedicated to serving people.

Her name was DORCAS and she opened her home to everyone who was in trouble in a most selfless manner. St Peter was a huge admirer of her personal mission to the needs of humanity.

We are proud to identify with her and we invite you to visit our new DORCAS ACTS website

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